Georgia School of Addiction Studies Awards

Prevention Ambassador Awards 2021

VA2P with Teen Empowerment is Too Good 4 Drugs

July 31, 2021: Speakers at the Daily Post's Back-to-School health fair and All About Kids Expo draws scores of families
The health fair concentrated on bringing awareness and early detection. We presented on the dangers of vaping in teens.

GUIDE- Gwinnett United Drug Education

September 2021- Hannah and Haley Menees, founders of UNG VA2P presenting in middle schools in Hall County

September 2021- Hannah and Haley Menees, founders of UNG VA2P presenting in middle schools in Hall County
VA2P UNG presenting at middle schools in Hall County (Georgia)

Let's Be Clear Georgia

Hannah and Haley Menees, co-founders of the Univ of North Georgia VA2P Club
The sisters' persistence pays off in other ways. They are co-presidents of the student club Vaping Attention to Prevention (VA2P). The club's mission is to bring awareness to the vaping epidemic among youth and inspire others to be involved with public health. See full story here https://ung.edu/where-i-lead/students/menees-haley-and-menees-hannah.php

Buford Soccer Athletes support Vaping Attention to Prevention April 2021 Alcohol Awareness Month

Governor Kemp signing Rep. Bonnie Rich's vaping bill into Georgia Law

Testifying for Senator Unterman's Senate Bill 298 to enforce Tobacco 21, mandate vaping education in public high schools, and penalize sales to minors

Governor Brian Kemp at The Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day 2020

State Attorney General Chris Carr at The Substance Abuse Prevention Day 2020

NPR interview with Sam Whitehead at the State Capitol

Dr. David H. Jernigan, Professor at the School of public Health Boston University, speaking at the Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy day February 20, 2020

Governor Kemp speaking at The Substance Abuse Advocacy Day 2020

State Attorney General Chris Carr speaking at The Substance Abuse Advocacy Day 2020

VA2P speaking at The Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day 2020

Dr. Raduka and Dr. Jernigan at the Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day February 20, 2020
Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day 2020

VA2P at the Medical Association of Atlanta "Vaping Today" Town Hall

VA2P with Representative Sharon Cooper, Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Dr. Tina Shaw, Dr. Atul Trivedi, and Roni Selig the Executive Director of PAVE

Dr. Bonnie Halpern Felsher, Founder and Executive Director of Stanford Tobacco Toolkit presenting at the MAA "Vaping Today" Town Hall

Suhas Das presenting at the MAA "Vaping Today" Town Hall

Suhas Das, Director tor of VA2P Smoke Free College Initiative, presenting at the MAA "Vaping Today" Town Hall

VA2P backstage with Representative Sharon Cooper and Dr. Atul Trivedi

VA2P Ambassador, Hannah and Haley, working at the "Vaping Today" MAA Town Hall
Meeting with Governor Kemp to discuss Youth Perspective on Vaping and the Detrimental Effects of Vaping in Teens

Meeting the Academy of Pediatrics at the State Capitol

Meeting with Senator Unterman at the State Capitol

Speaking with Chairman of Education and Youth, Senator P.K. Martin IV, about Youth Sports after Testifying for Senate Bill 298

Working hard for Advocacy

Meeting with the Sugar Hill Youth Council and their Director, Mr. Mike Sullivan

Sugar Hill Youth Council presenters

Promoting our newly approved club, VA2P, at our high school

Presenting to the Sugar Hill Youth Council

Dylan Krause at the Health and Human Services Committee meeting with Dr. Al Haddad, Michael Cortes from the AHA, June Deen from the ALA, Dr. Henao and Keely Rose from PAVe.

Discussing vaping and it's harmful effects with Georgia Senator Unterman

Discussing drugs and vaping with the Forsyth County Sheriffs Department

Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan, speaking at the Forsyth County Drug Summit

Forsyth County Drug Summit

Forsyth County Drug Summit

Meeting with Congressman Robert Woodall from Georgia District 7

Discussing issues affecting teens in Gwinnett County and possible solutions. We discussed banning flavors and Tobacco 21.

Lobbying in Washington D.C. with the American Heart Association

Meeting with Dr. Amrutia and Dr. Patel learning about the harmful effects of Vaping, the scary unknowns, and the expected chronic diseases after 10-15 years of vaping.

Joint Vaping Talk with Dr. Amrutia, Dr. Patel, & our partners Forsyth County Drug Awareness Council.

Meeting with Representative David Clark

Image of collapsed lung inside the chest cavity due to Juuling

X-Ray on the left is of a teen with collapsed lung. Green lines show empty space. X-ray on the right shows how a collapsed lung is treated with a chest tube inside the chest cavity.

Teen with pneumonitis/vaping related lung injury

Filming our 4 Module Train the Trainer Mini-Marketing Video

Late night filming our 4 Module Train the Trainer Program for ambassadors

Filming for the documentary "You Don't Know Nicotine" with Director Aaron Biebert

Meeting with Tammy Nicholson, the Director of Forsyth County Drug Awareness Council.

Forsyth County Drug Awareness Council Meeting

Meeting with Kenneth Haney, Health Advocate/Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program at Northside Hospital

Discussing all forms of tobacco with Kenneth Haney

Tobacco comes in many different forms and all with addictive nicotine

Pharmacist, Alanna Breckenridge, teaching the Vaping-Attention To Prevention team

Breathing through a straw simulates how hard it is to breathe with COPD

Skittle exercise: Your tongue only picks up a few basic senses. The flavors your tongue tastes are sugar, salt, acid or base, spicy, and umami (meaty flavors). The skittle exercise shows that taste is 70% due to smelling with your nose.

Lucas and Juan learning about the bronchial tree

An inflamed and constricted bronchial with mucous from COPD damage

COPD transition of care team

Lucas and Marco learning about tar

One years worth of tar in smokers lungs

Healthy lung vs unhealthy lung

Vaping-Attention To Prevention presentation at Northside Hospital Forsyth

Georgia Vaping-Attention To Prevention team from Buford High School

Credit: Obtained from Tobacco Free Allegheny

Pneumothorax or Collapsed Lung

Pneumothorax or Collapsed Lung

Cerebrovascular Disease

CT scan showing popcorn lung. Vaping induces damage to the smallest airways, coughing, and shortness of breath. Popcorn lung is caused by the flavorings found in e-juice.

Normal Lungs

There is currently not enough research to say vaping can cause COPD. However, initial research, has suggested a link between vaping and COPD.

Truth Initiative Meeting
Meeting with Mr. Vincent Irving and planning a tobacco/E-cigarette Youth summit in Gwinnett County!

Ambassador Elaina Ellis presenting and networking at TNStrong Youth Summit June 2019

Meeting with Gwinnett Citizen

Elaine Ellis, ambassador from Tennessee, making new friends at the TN Strong Tobacco Youth Summitt

Dr. Madeline Ellis at the Tennessee Tobacco Youth Summit

Meeting with our mentor Mr. Lloyd
Discussing the Train the Trainer program and our upcoming science lab!

One of our ambassadors, Elaina Ellis, participating in the Tennessee Tobacco Youth Summit
VA2P UNG presenting at middle schools in Hall County (Georgia)

PreventionAmbassador Award Recipients